
A sleep disturbance can add to the stress of life with aHUS

Doctor appointments: They’re the bane of my existence but also a constant part of my life. Nephrologist, hematologist, primary care physician, gynecologic oncologist, pain management doctor, physical therapist, cardiologist — the list goes on. I see each of these doctors regularly. I nearly died in September 2020 and spent…

A brush with death during dialysis following my aHUS diagnosis

Dialysis, which performs the kidneys’ work by filtering blood, is hard on the human body. It’s usually given to patients whose kidneys are functioning at less then 15% because of injury, infection, disease, or other medical complications. When I was on dialysis, it caused me some atypical side…

If it wasn’t for my bad luck, I’d have no luck at all

A rare disease diagnosis can be scary, overwhelming, and life-changing, often bringing unexpected health complications and comorbidities. During my time with a rare disease, I’ve learned that I have a proclivity for medical drama. In September 2020, I nearly died when COVID-19 complications triggered atypical hemolytic…